Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Sabbatical time could be a "fallow" season.
Fallow is often viewed as the field laying at rest. Do no work. Leave the fields unplanted. It might be serene. Maybe former seeds volunteer to bloom. Maybe wildflowers mix with some very green weeds, but in any case, it's still a fairly pretty image.

A more realistic view of the fallow field may not be so ideal- certainly in a tropical climate. There may be a lot of ugly weeds. Some fields are grown in conditions constantly fighting back the weeds. Left to their own, they take over. The thought of kudzu comes to mind, a literal take over.
There maybe several old seeds still sprouting. Some good seed or some bad crop ideas. Some sprouts getting choked by the weeds.
It could be a total mess.
It's a fight between civilization and wild. Tamed versus unruly.

For a short time- Maybe the brambles and the vines need to stretch. Maybe irregular rain and lots of sunshine just need to reign. Maybe the weeds and the sprouts need to fight it out and let the tension release.