Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Summer Garden in Miami

I thought I should post something before the summer gets too hectic. So here goes....

It's been about a month since I planted my first ever summer garden. With only a couple exceptions, I was completely unfamiliar with the plants I decided to put in the garden. So, I didn't know what to expect (and still don't in many ways) but that's part of the fun.

It's been a very dry summer so far but with a little irrigation the plants are really starting to take off. The sweet potatoes are growing like a weed, the winged beans seem to grow 3-4 inches every day, the everglades tomato plant is filling with flowers and I'll soon get to enjoy my first pepper. I've already starting stealing a leaf or two from time to time from the cranberry hibiscus and malabar spinach plants. I can't wait until I get enough for a full salad.

The big surprises have been my strawberries and muskmelon. They continue to grow and produce. I'm getting a couple strawberries every day. They are small but as sweet as I've ever eaten. As for the melon, there are several marble to golfball size fruits but only time will tell if anything comes of them. I'll keep you posted.

I've included some photos for those that might be interested.

Everglades Tomato

Pepper plant w/one large pepper

Cranberry Hibiscus (the leaves are edible and the flowers make great tea)

Malabar Spinach

Sweet Potato (from a start I got for free)


  1. Great post i love your summer blog you can share more information about summer blog.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
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  2. Very informative. From miami as well and growing the cranberry hibiscus. Havent tasted it yet. Good luck during the rest of hot and rainy summer
