Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Planting by Moonlight

I did it and did it literally. I planted as much empty soil space as I could. And I planted in the light of the full moon last week.  I write today because already a sprout of cucumber is busting forth.

It's funny to operate in the dark. There are several Biblical passages about light and dark, Jesus as the light of the world, etc. The experience left me pondering. Here are a few raw thoughts.

It takes a while for your perspective to adjust. Dropping into a new situation, it's best to sit and acclimate to the view. Short-term mission teams get this wrong all the time. They just drop in and start to work. Often making a mess of things.

You really ought not get in the way of the light source. If you block the moonlight, you become the shadow. Get out of the way. Oh how often we block the source of light!

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