Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas isn't over- Today is only the 4th day- but when it is...

Sunday December 27 is the 4th day of Christmas. Here is when you begin to sing "Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two..." As Daniel Medina reminded the Lighthouse fellowship last night, there are many more days of Christmas celebration than your local retailer will remind you.  For the stores, it's time to buy your Champagne for New Year's but for Christians in a traditional celebration there are 12 days- thus the carol of old. And for that matter, Christians should be celebrating Emmanuel-"God with us" all year long.
But when you wind down your Christmas celebrations in as far as decorations go, there are some environmental considerations. There are several options for recycling your Christmas tree. (If you had the heart to cut down a lovely tree just to look at it for a couple of weeks.) It takes time, but if you'll flatten out the large pieces of wrapping and tissue paper, fold up the 'gift bags, you may have plenty for future gift wrapping opportunities. You can reuse some of the Christmas card envelops to hold seeds but at least get the snail mail addresses of friends and family for future letter writing.
As for post Christmas Miami community celebrations, look for the Three Kings Parade in Little Havana to celebrate Epiphany and the King Mango Strut- the Orange Bowl parade that feature political spoofs and general tongue-in-cheek parade humor.

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